how to green your dental routine.

it's so easy!

toothpaste tablets cut down on plastic waste, they're easy to ship & packaging is often zerowaste.

no more plastic tubes!



plastic is not fantastic!

23 billion plastic toothbrushes get trashed a year...whatta waste!  Let's do better by using bamboo brushes.  Help me keep plastic out of landfills and our oceans!

recycled plastic

Don't want bamboo? These toothbrushes are made from recycled yogurt cups. 

charcoal oil pulling

Small biz and sister-owned!  Have you ever oil pulled?   It's super healthy as it combats bad breath and helps inflammation of the gums.  Glass bottle is eco, too!


plastic-free floss

 My favorite charcoal floss is housed in a reusable glass tube.  When I run out, I simply buy floss refills.  Plus, the floss is natural and made with clean ingredients.

Vegan floss housed in paper packaging!